Il Conseil International de la Danse, organizzazione dell' UNESCO con sede a Parigi con largo anticipo ha inviato ai suoi iscritti il tradizionale messaggio annuale. Eccolo sulle pagine di Khalij cosi' come e' arrivato, ma all' indirizzo in fondo e' sicuramente reperibile la versione in italiano.
The official message
for Dance Day
29 April 2009
The future of dance lies where there are persons who do not dance.
These belong to two categories: those who simply did not learn, and those who think that they are not able to dance. They represent the greatest challenge for the dance teacher's profession.
In line with UNESCO's struggle against prejudice and discrimination, we are trying to expand the boundaries of dance and to change the current perception of what a dancer is.
Dance performances are not necessarily exhibitions of extreme physicality, accurate precision, or bursting emotion - they can be celebrations of interaction between performers. We can enrich dance concerts with dancers, singers, actors, narrators, mimes, acrobats etc., of all ages and all degrees of ability.
Bringing the 'excluded' into dance is a moral duty, but also opens a great door in times of economic crisis and unemployment. In every country there are millions of persons with physical or mental disabilities. We believe they are ready to dance.They will create jobs to thousands of dance teachers. They can be assisted by the Ministry of Health, whose budget is many times bigger than that of the Ministry of Culture.Integrating marginalized persons into the practice of dance is as important as integrating them into the workforce.
CID holds to the philosophy that everyone can dance.
Dance Day 2009 is dedicated to inclusive dance. Let us include all members of society into our classes and our performances.
Prof. Alkis Raftis
President of the International Dance Council CID
1. The official Dance Day message is mailed to over 150,000 dance professionals in 200 countries. It is translated to dozens of languages. Please ask for a translation, or translate the message to the language of your country; send it to dance organizations and the media. You can find guidelines and previous messages at the CID web site.
2. Dance Day has been established in view of attracting attention to the art of dance, every year on the 29th of April. On that day, dance companies, dance schools, organizations and individuals, professionals as well as amateurs, are asked to organize an activity addressing an audience larger than their usual one.
3. The International Dance Council (Conseil International de la Danse - CID) is the official umbrella organization for all forms of dance in all countries of the world.
- CID is recognized by UNESCO, nat! ional and local governments, international organizations and institutions.
- Its members are the most prominent federations, associations, schools, companies and individuals in more than 150 countries.
- It is the supreme forum bringing together international, national and local organizations, as well as prominent individuals active in dance.
- It was founded in 1973 within the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, where it is based.
- UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Conseil International de la Danse - CID - International Dance Council
UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15,
Nelle foto, la leggendaria danzatrice egiziana Tahia Carioca e...foto ricordo di uno stage di flamenco con Marc Aurelio.
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